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Election Transparency Polling

Majority of voters want it to be easy to vote but hard to cheat

64% of voters, including Black (51%) and Hispanic (66%) voters, as well as urban (59%) and Independent (61%) voters, want to strengthen voting safeguards that prevent fraud – not eliminate them.
Source: Honest Elections Project, 2021

More than 3 in 4 voters support voter ID requirements

77% of voters, including strong majorities of Republicans (92%), Independents (75%), and Democrats (63%) all support requiring voter ID. 64% of Black voters, 77% of Hispanics, and 76% of low-income voters reject the notion that presenting a form of ID at the ballot-box is a “burden.”
Source: Honest Elections Project, 2021
Rasmussen Polling found that 75% of likely voters say requiring voters to show photo ID such as a driver’s license before being allowed to vote is necessary to “a fair and secure election process.”
Source: Rasmussen Polling, 2021

More than 3 in 4 voters support voter ID requirements

77% of voters, including strong majorities of Republicans (92%), Independents (75%), and Democrats (63%) all support requiring voter ID. 64% of Black voters, 77% of Hispanics, and 76% of low-income voters reject the notion that presenting a form of ID at the ballot-box is a “burden.”
Source: Honest Elections Project, 2021
Rasmussen Polling found that 75% of likely voters say requiring voters to show photo ID such as a driver’s license before being allowed to vote is necessary to “a fair and secure election process.”
Source: Rasmussen Reports, 2021

Voters support protections on absentee voting

Two-thirds of voters (66%) support increased protections on absentee voting, like requiring voter ID to vote absentee, which S.1. expressly blocks.
Source: Honest Elections Project, 2021

Voters support protections on absentee voting

Two-thirds of voters (66%) support increased protections on absentee voting, like requiring voter ID to vote absentee, which S.1. expressly blocks.
Source: Honest Elections Project, 2021

Vast majority of voters say it's "common sense" to require voter ID

State Polling


74% of Georgia voters support requiring voters to include a copy of their photo ID or other documentation in order to cast an absentee ballot by mail, including 55% of liberals.

Source: University of Georgia’s School of Public and International Affairs, Jan. 2021


An overwhelming 79.7% of registered voters in Michigan support requiring an I.D. when voting in person – a majority of every demographic group including 83.4% of Independent voters and 58.4% of strong Democrat voters.
Source: Detroit Regional Chamber, Jun. 2021


81% of respondents favor signature matching for mail-in ballots, including 88% of Independents and 64% of Democrats. Photo identification requirements are favored by 74% of respondents, including 77% of Independents.
Source: Franklin & Marshall College poll, Jun. 2021


81% of Texans think voting by mail should have the same voter ID protections as voting in person.
Source: WPA Intelligence, 2021
Overwhelming support for voter ID cuts across all demographics and party affiliations, including 82% of Texas voters, 75% of Black voters, 81% of Hispanic voters, and 72% of Democrats.
Source: TPPF and Rasmussen poll, 2021
67% of Texans support voter ID protections for mail-in ballots. Just 22% oppose them.
Source: TPPF and Rasmussen poll, 2021


Nearly three-fourths of Wisconsin voters support laws requiring a government issued photo I.D. to vote: 73% of registered Wisconsin voters favor requiring a government issued photo I.D. to vote. Overwhelming support for photo I.D. was reported among every age demographic, education and income levels, and religious affiliations polled.
Source: Marquette Law School poll, August 2021
84% of Wisconsin voters support requiring voters to show photo I.D. before voting: 96% GOP voters, 70% Democrat voters, 81% of Independent voters, 82% Minority voters, 86% Moderate voters, and strong majorities of every education level.
Source: Wisconsin Institute of Law and Liberty/Scott Rasmussen, September 2021
69% of Wisconsin voters favor a uniform photo I.D. requirement for mail-in voting, legislation which was recently vetoed by Evers: 86% GOP voters, 52% Democrat voters, 65% Independent voters, 65% Minority voters, 61% Moderate voters, and strong majorities of every education level.
Source: Wisconsin Institute of Law and Liberty/Scott Rasmussen, September 2021
65% of Wisconsin voters support a proposal that would make the process known as ‘ballot trafficking’ illegal, legislation which was recently vetoed by Evers.
Source: Wisconsin Institute of Law and Liberty/Scott Rasmussen, September 2021