Your thoughtful consideration of our election integrity questionnaire and pledge, co-signed by our partner organizations, is most appreciated. Candidates running in state legislative and secretary of state races should first download both documents by clicking the appropriate icons below. Then, select the responses that most accurately reflect your position and promptly return both the questionnaire and signed pledge to the Election Transparency Initiative, 2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr. #803, Arlington, VA 22206, or by email to ETI executive director Michael Bars at
2024 Election Integrity
Candidate Questionnaire & Pledge
Message from the Chairman
Dear candidate,
Congratulations on your exciting campaign. In coordination with a coalition of national grassroots organizations committed to free and fair elections, the Election Transparency Initiative (ETI) has put forward the first candidate questionnaire and pledge of the 2022 cycle specific to issues of election integrity. Our organization is considering engagement in several primary and general election races, such as yours.
ETI, a joint project of the pro-life Susan B. Anthony List and the American Principles Project, mobilized in 2021 to help lead a robust national coalition dedicated to defeating the efforts of radical leftists to override state election laws while we have simultaneously supported efforts at the state level to achieve meaningful election integrity reforms.
As you know, conservatives must engage in the battle for free and fair elections or our ability to elect principled lawmakers and pass laws upholding our values will be greatly diminished—if not extinguished. Americans have the right to be confident that it is easy to vote and hard to cheat in elections that are secure, transparent, and accountable. They should have faith in our democratic system of elections, so they will participate in our democratic process—not stay home—and trust that every legal vote can be counted fairly and openly.
But the harsh reality is that so many disenfranchised voters question whether voting is even worthwhile anymore, and things won’t improve until state legislators stand tall through bold action to inspire restored faith in our elections. Radical leftists will continue attempting their planned federal takeover of state election laws, and our statehouses are the last line of defense for fair elections.
Your thoughtful consideration of our questionnaire and pledge, co-signed by our partner organizations, is most appreciated. Please select the responses that most accurately reflect your position and promptly return both the questionnaire and signed pledge to the Election Transparency Initiative, 2800 Shirlington Road, Arlington, VA 22206, or by email to
Ken Cuccinelli
Chairman, Election Transparency Initiative
Fmr Virginia Attorney General & State Senator
Fmr Acting Deputy Secretary of DHS
Original Member of the COVID-19 Task Force