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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 25, 2021 | Contact: Prudence Robertson, (240) 672-2828 

Washington, D.C. – This week S.B. 303 and S.B 304, election integrity legislation in Michigan, was passed by the state Senate. 

The voter identification measures would require a person to vote with a provisional ballot if they do not have a photo I.D. when voting in person, and require that such individuals be given notice that they must verify their voter registration record or establish their identity and residence within six days after the election in order for the provisional ballot to be tabulated. 

National Chairman of the Election Transparency Initiative and former Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli issued the following statement: 

“When it comes to ensuring that it is easy to vote and hard to cheat in our elections, there is nothing more common sense and popular than voter I.D. We applaud Sen. Tom Barrett for introducing this important legislation and urge continued action in the House to achieve more fair, secure, and transparent elections voters can trust.” 

According to recent polling by the Detroit Regional Chamber, an overwhelming 79.7% of registered voters in Michigan support requiring an I.D. when voting in person – a majority of every demographic group including 83.4% of Independent voters and 58.4% of strong Democrat voters. 

The Election Transparency Initiative, a partnership between American Principles Project (APP) and the national pro-life group Susan B. Anthony List (SBA List), was organized to combat H.R. 1/S. 1 and advocate for state-based election reforms that voters can trust. 
